Well I have had some more opportunity to experience the friend zoning phenomenon
I dated a really pretty Lithuanian. I am sceptical to east Euro's but she was very genuine in chat, if not good in languages foreign to her.
First date started witha hug then, because we had already had some telephone conversations. Which is actually the first step of getting out of FZ in Covid times. A girl may be happy to chat on messenger or Snap , it is safe and disposable and you can play or lie or do what ever you like, and cut off answers or consider them first, or have three blokes on the go at the same time. Talk is not so cheap these days. It is a move towards being accepted and becoming intimate. This , works
I kissed her good bye after securing a 'do you want to see me again? ' positive answer of course.
But then she text3ed me and FZed me....puzzled.....
So I looked at my mental notes, having time to formulate at answer it being CHat again and not talk, and said that , great, we can maybe talk again in a few weeks time or a month, then I will have met someone new in the dating direction. Because tonight y9u are the only girl in the world for me. You are beautiful blah blah, you get my drift
It worked immediately, I left her alone, and then she came back 9 hours later ' I'm thinking of you'
Anyway, I got a snog on new years eve with some Bollinger she had to drink, so it was a lovely end to the year, but next date was difficult to squeeze out her. BECAUSE OTHER MAN!
See last blog, you see FZ is a way of putting you on the shelf while they consider someone who often was in the que before you, or at the same time and is maybe a little shall we say, appropriate feeling for her.
So I prove both my practice and my theory!
Also because I had played my cards, it was off my chest. There was not prolonging the agony as I did with a dippy lawyer two years ago, who nervously FZed me all the time in terms of reminding me " we are JUST friends" ....she wanted me to be more of a man and defy her I believe, but also she was carrying on with a married man at the time, so god knows where I fitted in.
So guys, if you really are hot for a girl, refuse to be FZed, use this type of technique. Deny access to your support and friendship without more intimacy and potential. Lay your cards on the table and be prepared to take the gamble to walk away, because permitting an FZ to occur is basically for wimps, and the girl looking for her perfect, maliable friend who is attractive but at arms length, on demand like a chihouha on a leash, in fact a gay man who doesnt really want to have her, but whom she can have.
The FZ is a sad, loser place to be, I allowed it to happen to me maybe twice with really good potential GFs and it spoiled everythign for both of us. It is not an option, unless they have very hot, single friends themselves. Then the game is up for grabs